Tuesday, 16 March 2010

hmmm.. episod kehidupan

hmmm... hehe, spending almost a day with him, it has been such a long time since last few wks... mayb it's really worst to say dat i'm jz 4gt dat i stil have him ;p hahaha.. we both are too bz with our own life.. a bit complicated, i'm bz my own work (thesis, presentations, proposal, academic journal etc.) n he's toooooooo bz with his own life (wht kind of life he have, i never can fully understand how he manage to adapt with dat kind of life,, it's hard work 4 me to understand him sometimes, n somehow i jz do nothing about it. well.. c how it goes, long way to go then...don't think too much, jz let it flow naturally)

forget about him, he's leaving again.. yea, i used with this situation already, it's not a big deal for me ;) cz i stil have my own life. lot of things to focus with.. lotssssss ya. it's my priority, my study of course. everythg were ok, i shud be thankful for everything in my life, i'm such a lucky person, hehe.. there's no reason 4 me to regret. i got everythg.. dis morning, i've sent 8 copies (a lot right??? 3 for IPS, 2 for BSM n another 3 for myself n my dear supervisors) of hard cover thesis to photocopy shop. hmm, jz pray for the best in future, insyaAllah everythg will be ok soon :) focus on ur life, be a gud planner :)

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